Mississippi NewsTippah County News

A Note from your Hometown Review Editor

Twenty three years ago, I woke up to a changed world. I’d spent the night at my daddy’s house the night before; he was an over the road truck driver at the time and I’d stayed with his girlfriend at the time’s daughter so that her mom could take a trip with Daddy. My cousin came by early that morning while I was drinking my coffee and turned on the television, telling me that something really bad had happened. I watched in horror as the second plane crashed into the twin towers and subsequently caused them to tumble. Shock froze me in my place for the entire day, and the days that followed were filled with a sickening dread of worry about what was to come. It’s still a horrifying event to think about. Our freedoms were attacked, our world was changed for eternity. 3,000 lives were taken. We were all affected. So because we all still feel the aftermath of that day, this editor’s note won’t be filled with my normal humor and snark.

I simply want to take a moment in remembrance. I will be sitting in silence this evening, and hugging my children and loved ones a little tighter today. Most of all, though, I will sit in gratefulness that those horrifying events didn’t end America’s story. It was not the end of us like the attackers intended.

I also would like to remember the four Mississippians who lost their lives from the attacks that day. Please click on each one and read a little about who they were, and whisper a prayer for the people that loved them.

James Cleere

Ada Mason-Acker

Jerry Don Dickerson

James Joe Ferguson

Love & Light,


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