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The Mississippi Black Women’s Roundtable Hosts Voting Bootcamp In McComb 

This free, non-partisan, leadership program focuses on mobilizing Black women voters in Mississippi.

McComb, Mississippi – The Mississippi Black Women’s Roundtable (MS BWR), a leading advocate for social justice and voter engagement, launches their second “The Power of the Sister Vote Boot Camp” in McComb, Mississippi to connect Black women with resources and information they can use to drive voter participation in their communities. 

On June 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (CT) at the MLK Center in McComb, Mississippi, MS BWR and speakers from partnering organizations One Voice Mississippi, MS State Conference of NAACP, McComb Branch NAACP, and Black Voters Matter will guide participants through a series of trainings designed to increase Black women’s voter registration and participation in Mississippi.

Attendees can expect a day of interactive learning and team building with other women and advocates interested in raising the sister vote. It’s free to participate, childcare is provided, and all participants are treated to breakfast, lunch, and are eligible to win a door prize that can be used to jump-start their journey into voter mobilization. 

MS BWR’s Transformational Leadership Consultant, Paheadra Robinson, One Voice Mississippi’s Program Manager Monica McInnis, and Black Voters Matter’s Shaquita Allen will lead attendees through training sessions, the voter registration process, and methods for voter mobilization such as canvassing and phone banking. 

“The Power of the Sister Vote Boot Camps bring Black women into a space where they can elevate their skills as leaders and bring local issues to the polls,” said Cassandra Welchlin, Executive Director of MS BWR. “MS BWR is all about bridging the gap between kitchen and policy tables; mobilizing the sister vote is one effective way to do that. We’re engaging counties where the Black vote is historically low to activate change in those areas and help women stand in their power as voters.”

With this summer marking the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer, a pivotal movement in the history of liberating the Black vote, community-focused programs like “The Power of the Sister Vote” remind us of the importance of the Black vote in moving Mississippi forward. MS BWR will host six other boot camps across the state to give women from all parts of Mississippi the chance to increase the sister vote. 

For more information, visit: https://msbwr.org/power-of-the-sister-vote-bootcamp/. To register, visit: link.cdhq.co/2024Bootcamps-McComb

Mississippi Black Women’s Roundtable (MSBWR) is a statewide intergenerational network dedicated to advancing women’s economic security through policy advocacy, increasing civic engagement and voter participation among black women and girls, developing transformational leaders for long-term movement building, and engaging in community outreach and rapid response projects. Learn more by visiting: https://msbwr.org

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