Tippah County News

Tippah County Kindergarteners among top 10 in state for improved readiness scores

Tippah County Kindergarten students in both North and South Tippah have scored among the top ten when it comes to improved scores from the fall to the spring on their readiness exam.

Both North and South Tippah students on average graded as transitional readers, described as following “Student has mastered alphabet skills and letter-sound relationships. The student can identify many beginning and ending consonant sounds and long and short vowel sounds, and is probably able to blend sounds and word parts to read simple words. The student is also likely using a variety of strategies to figure out words, such as pictures, story patterns, and phonics.”

South Tippah scored an average of 491 in the fall and 762 in the spring for an improvement of 271 points.

North Tippah scored an average of 472 in the fall and 736 in the spring for an increase of 264 points.

You can see a complete breakdown here.

Jon Ross Myers

Jon Ross Myers is the executive editor and publisher of the Mississippi News Network, Mississippi's largest digital only media company. He can be reached at editor@tippahnews.com

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