More than 40,000 US Military members not getting paid today due to shutdown
More than 40,000 member of the Coast Guard, including active duty military members, are not being paid today as part of the government shutdown. The Coast Guard mantains a station in Mississippi.
The Coast Guard, while technically a military branch, is funded through the Homeland Security Department while the other branches of the military are funded through the Department of Defense.
As the shutdown drags on into being the longest in American history, pay and benefits for some 50,000 retired members and employees could be affected.
The shutdown has affected some 800,000 federal workers and also is affecting SNAP benefits.
“Let me assure you your leadership continues to do everything possible, both internal and external to the Service, to ensure we can process your pay as soon as we receive an appropriation,” USCG Vice Commandant Adm. Charles Ray said. “However, I do not know when that will occur.”