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A Note from your Hometown Review Editor

A bi-weekly publication of the Tippah County Newsletter

Good evening dear readers,

Welcome to our very first Tippah County Newsletter. I’d recently asked on Facebook what Tippah County means to you, and the answers ultimately all pointed toward “home.” I am your fearless leader (ok, so I just write the news and this newsletter, but indulge me for a minute and let me have the spotlight.) My name is Brandy Jumper & Dumas has been my home for most of my life. Some of you know me as the granddaughter of Manuel & Janie Kent Hodges, and some of you might know me as a former Pine Grove student. Home is important to me, probably the most important. When my grandfather passed away, I purchased his house, which was I considered home for my entire life. The connection I feel to this land and house is unmatched. It is where I played with my cousins every Sunday after church, hundreds of back yard baseball games were played here and probably a million pans of cornbread have been eaten here. There is nothing like having a safe space, and that feeling radiates from not just our residence, but also the people in it; our neighbors, the businesses where we shop and, as the “Cheers” adage applies, “Everybody knows your name.” I am excited to be here to bring you local news in the form of a newsletter, which I have named Hometown Review, right to your inbox twice a week, every Wednesday & Sunday. My goal is to bring you breaking news stories, local sports coverage, and weekly rundowns of local events, but I’ll be also adding my personal touch. If you know me, you know I love food! So, the newsletter will also include recipes, quirky holidays, personal stories, inspiration, gardening tips (fun fact, I am also a flower farmer) and whatever else I am moved to include. Tippah County is full of amazing people with amazing stories, and I can’t wait to tell them. Please never hesitate to reach out with leads, stories or questions. I can be reached at brandyjumpernews@gmail.com

How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home. – William Faulkner

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Love & Light,


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