Tippah County News

South Tippah school district reporting 7 cases and 28 quarantines after return to school

South Tippah School District is reporting 6 cases among faculty and staff and one other positive case. As a result of these positives and contact tracing efforts, there are 28 quarantines after their retun to school on Wednesday, August 5th according to the South Tippah School District.

South Tippah Superintendent Tony Elliott confirmed the cases and quarantines to Mississippi News Network reporters in a statement on Thursday.

Elliott, who himself is under quarantine after a positive COVID test restult, pointed out that there is no way to know how the individuals came about testing positive but stressed that the district and each individual school is following established protocols.

Elliott said the following:

” As an update to the communuty I would like to say that we are off to a great school year. Thank you to the students, parents, faculty and staff for your hard work in making this school year possible.

These quarantines are for everyone’s safety and follow CDC guidelines. We will continue to update the community on a regular basis as things progress.”

South Tippah is on a modified schedule currently with boys and girls going on alternating days.

This comes after Corinth School district is reporting nearly 150 quarantines in their district after reopening last Monday, among the first in the nation to do so.

Jon Ross Myers

Jon Ross Myers is the executive editor and publisher of the Mississippi News Network, Mississippi's largest digital only media company. He can be reached at editor@tippahnews.com

One thought on “South Tippah school district reporting 7 cases and 28 quarantines after return to school

  • Does it matter

    Great first day!!! 🙄 stop calling them students and just call them guinea pigs since that’s what you are using our children for. 2 weeks wouldn’t have killed you Tate Reeves!!!


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